:orphan: Code review =========== Master and release branches are protected ----------------------------------------- This means that nobody can push to them directly, all contributions have to be submitted using merge requests (see below). How to submit a merge request ----------------------------- * Before you do anything, create a new branch from the branch that you wish to modify. * Implement your change and commit to the new branch. * Push your new branch. * Go to https://gitlab.com/dirac/dirac and click on the blue button "Create merge request" (top right). * Describe the change unless it's evident from the commit message. * Check the box next to "Remove source branch when merge request is accepted". * Make sure it is directed to the right branch. * Click green button "Submit merge request". How to ask for a code review ---------------------------- * Either assign to somebody. * Or mention somebody via their @username in the discussion. Then they get notified. * Or let the merge request sit and somebody will pick it up. How to do code review --------------------- * Be polite. * Check that code is submitted to the right branch. * Check that commit messages are clear. * Changelog entry needed? * Documentation needed? * Tests preserved and new functionality tested? * Wait until the test runner reports before merging or click "merge when pipeline succeeds". * If test runner result is red, investigate what happened. What if you committed locally to master or a release branch? ------------------------------------------------------------ Then you cannot push directly but do not worry and follow these steps: * Create a new branch from the branch that you changed and tried to push. * Push the newly created branch to https://gitlab.com/dirac/dirac. * Create a merge request and point it to the branch you originally meant to modify. * Finally clean up your local branch by rewinding to either ``origin/master`` or ``origin/release-N`` :: $ git checkout master # WARNING! next step will delete commits that came after origin/master $ git reset --hard origin/master If you do not clean up your local master or release branch, it can start to diverge next time you pull since your local history may be different from remote history. Further reading --------------- * https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/gitlab-basics/add-merge-request.html * https://about.gitlab.com/2017/03/17/demo-mastering-code-review-with-gitlab/